Thursday, June 12, 2008

Blood Donation

Something I wanna added:
- I am a runaway candidate: I ran away from an interview yesterday, because the environment scared me off.


Thanks to the comments,

A blog is my stress-relief spot where I can pour my feelings out.
You may hardly see something nice to read then. It's my unhappiness spot.


Well, today will be the last day I went for donation. I would stop donating my blood.
I cried after I donated it. My hand now is swollen and hurt.

The girl who attended to me didn't know how to inject the needle properly into my skin. By right, she should just inject slightly abit to the skin then the blood would run and flow slowly.
she injected it too high and too deep inside that I could see more than half size of that BIG needle was poking through my skin and the blood didn't flow smoothly. If she tried to pull down the needle down, I could see the blood running out from the side of the needle. I felt so weak, Really weak that she said really sorry to me and ended up I have to stay there for an hour because she put ices to prevent the bruise. She said tomorrow my hand would be blue-black and swollen. I may need to come down again to look for their doctor if it is hurtful. I felt so weak that I cried. It hurts too and swollen as if underneath it there is a hidden pigeon's egg. LOL. I can't take it anymore. And it will be the last time I go to donate my blood to Singaporean.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We always face ups and downs in our life. I truely understand your feeling now. Everything seems just not right and not in order. It's a common thing to happen in blood donation. All you need to do is just take a good rest and stop thinking of the bad side.

Sometimes just think when the nurse is taking your blood, she might be saying thanks for donating, but how many of us say thanks for collecting?

Thousands of people are donating but how many of them are collecting. You should feel happy cos your blood might just safe someone's life.